Travel Costs
If you would like to invite a Dutch author for a literary event for a recently translated title, you can apply for our Travel Grant. Publishers, festivals and literary organisations can apply for funding to help cover the costs of promotional activities of recently translated Dutch authors abroad.

Who can apply?
Literary publishers, festivals, literary organisations and universities outside the Netherlands can apply for the Travel Grant.
For what?
The grant must be used exclusively to cover the travel costs for the activities described in the application. If the destination changes, or if the trip is cancelled, the Foundation must be informed immediately, and the subsidy will be withdrawn. The applicant will then be obliged to return any sum already paid.
The grant for a promotional trip will not cover more than the total travel costs an author or translator can reasonably expect to incur, up to a maximum of €3,000. Travel costs are calculated based on economy-class airline tickets, second-class train tickets, and a motor vehicle allowance of €0.21 per kilometre.
The application must be made by a foreign organisation or publishing house.
At least one translation must have recently been published in book form by a publishing house in the country or language area in question. The publication must be in print.
The activities in question must be public in nature, taking place onstage or at a festival.
The foreign organisation or publishing house must cover all other costs, such as accommodation, meals, and any remuneration.
Frequently Asked Questions
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