Carolina Trujillo
Carolina Trujillo (b. 1970) is a Dutch-Uruguayan writer and columnist. After graduating from the Amsterdam Film Academy, she published 'De bastaard van Mal Abrigo' (The Bastard of Mal Abrigo, 2002) in Dutch, followed by the novels De terugkeer van 'Lupe Garcia' (The Return of Lupe Garcia, 2009) – which was nominated for the AKO Literature Prize – 'De zangbreker' (The Songbreaker, 2014) and 'Vrije radicalen' (Free Radicals, 2017). In 2019, she earned the Jan Hanlo Essay Prize for 'Meisjes in blessuretijd' (Girls During Injury Time). She also writes columns about politics, sports and factory farming for NRC.

Gevestigd in
The Netherlands