Support for dissident Russian artists in the Netherlands

Last year, the Dutch government has announced that it will allocate extra funds to support artists who were forced to flee their country after the Russian attack on Ukraine since the 24th of February 2022 and are living in the Netherlands. This follow-up of the Support Programme for Ukrainian Artists in 2022 resulted in two programmes: the Support Programma for Ukrainian Artists 2024 and the separate Support Programme for Russian Artists 2024. These programmes are financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, allocating € 465.000 for Ukrainian artists and € 70.000 for Russian dissident artists in 2024. The Dutch Foundation for Literature is coordinating this on behalf of the six national cultural foundations.

Who can apply
Russian artists in the Netherlands
For what
Support for dissident
31 May 2024 or as soon as the budget has been allocated
Grant amount
€ 9.900
Grant maximum
€ 70.000

PLEASE NOTE: The subsidy budget has reached its limit; therefore it is no longer possible to submit an application. For organizations that have submitted an application and have not received a response: we are processing the submitted requests, our aim is to communicate the decision within four weeks after receiving a complete application.

This page contains a short English summary of the support programme for artists who were forced to flee their countries after the Russian attack on Ukraine and are living in the Netherlands. For the full text and the application form please go to the Dutch page

Who can apply?

Applications must be made by a Dutch legal entity, i.e. a cultural organisation or institution. The legal entity must apply for the grant on behalf of and with consent of the artist.

A legal entity can be a vereniging (association), stichting (foundation), NV (public limited company) or BV (private limited company). Public legal entities, such as universities or municipalities, can also submit applications.

The legal entity can apply for a grant for individual artists, in which case a separate application must be made for each of them. The other option is to apply for a grant for a group of artists (perhaps a collective, band or ensemble, or a group such as a dance or theatre company) who work together on projects and plans (for example an exhibition, tour or performance), in which case the application must demonstrate that there is an ongoing collaboration between the members of the group.

For whom is the grant intended?

Within the Support Programma for Russian Artists 2024, independent or dissident artists with an Russian passport are eligible, who were living in Russia on 24 February 2022 and are now living in the Netherlands. Russian refugees are required to go through the general asylum process in the Netherlands. The independent nature of the artist’s work needs to become evident in the application.

The programme’s resources are not meant to provide long term support for the working practice of these refugee artists. The grant is intended for artists and creatives in all disciplines: film, performing arts, literature, visual arts and other creative industries. Furthermore, the artists should have at least three years of professional work experience in their discipline.

Can I, as an artist or a collective, apply for the grant myself?

No, the application must be by a Dutch legal entity, i.e. a cultural organisation or institution. (See above for examples.) We need the Dutch organisation to function as intermediary for this support programme to guarantee a more easily enforceable grant scheme. Unfortunately, applications made by artists directly cannot be considered.

As an artist you will therefore need to enter into collaboration with a Dutch cultural organisation or other legal entity. If you are in contact with Dutch partners who might be willing to apply on your behalf, please send them the information on this page (here in Dutch).

If you are not in contact with potential partners, please contact us via ( We cannot guarantee to be able to connect you with a Dutch organisation, but we are willing to help you explore the possibilities.

Which costs are eligible?

This financial support can serve as a contribution towards the costs of, for example, a project, tour or a residency in collaboration with a Dutch cultural organisation. Artists can also use the grant to finance a residence or studio space, for example, or purchase aids such as equipment, tools or materials, so that they can temporarily continue their work in the Netherlands and, when possible, help rebuild cultural life in their country of origin.

The foundations encourage collaboration between Dutch organisations and the refuged artists, so that a lasting network and intercultural exchange can be established and strengthened.

How much is available?

The maximum grant per artist is € 9,000. The grant must be for the benefit of the artist. In its application, the organisation can add a small percentage of implementation costs, a maximum of 10 per cent of the grant (so if the application is for a maximum grant of € 9,000, the extra implementation costs can be € 900 maximum). The costs and expenses need to be justified in the budget that is submitted with the application.

Application process

Applications must be made online, using the application form on the Dutch page. Applications can be submitted only in Dutch or English.

The decision will follow within four weeks of receipt of a complete application, consisting of a fully filled application form, a project description (minimum two pages), a cv/biography of the artist (minimum one page per artist) and a budget specification.

If the application is incomplete, the applicant will be informed. The applicant will then be given two weeks to provide the missing documentation. Applications will be processed in the order in which they are received.

Eva Prakken
Eva Prakken