Swimming with Sharks

One of the few upsides to the financial crisis has been the wealth of books published about its causes and consequences. They include some excellent anthropological accounts, of which Luyendijk’s bestseller is among the most valuable.

Joris Luyendijk
Original title
Dit kan niet waar zijn

It is the product of a two-year collaboration between Luyendijk and The Guardian, during which he conducted over two hundred interviews with those who work in the City of London, Europe’s financial capital. Written for a broad audience, it asks straightforwardly: what happened?

And, even more importantly: could it happen again? Luyendijk is no financial expert, which makes his efforts to decipher the workings of the closed world of finance in simple terms all the more impressive. He pulls no punches and the story he tells is nuanced, entertaining, poignant, convincing and, yes, profoundly frightening.

Luyendijk first explores the problems that define Planet Finance, and then goes on to evaluate potential solutions. He starts with layman’s questions, before delving deeper and deeper into more complex activities of the financial sector, painting a comprehensive yet comprehen- sible picture of the financial world, from bankers and insurance brokers to wealth managers; from front- to back-offices.

Luyendijk sees a large bank not as a single entity but as ‘an archipelago amidst the fog’. Having described how the City and its corporations are structured, he explores their culture by bringing to the fore various types of interviewee, from ‘tooth grinders’ to ‘bubble bankers’, laying bare their inner struggles. The amorality that shapes financial dynamics is chillingly revealed in these interviews.

The author’s mood gradually changes. At first he is simply curious, but later chapters are dominated by outright anger and disbelief. The main problem facing post-2008 societies is that ‘the underlying structure of the financial world remains intact’. However reprehensible the behaviour of some individual bankers, it is the perversity of the system that needs to be addressed.

With the curiosity of an ethnologist, Joris Luyendijk explores the parallel world of the London banker. He tells of an archipelago shrouded in mist, where mercenaries ply their trade.

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Horrifying portrait of bankers. Free of banker bashing and clichés. Even bankers turn out to be almost human, capable of humour and introspection – which makes this portrait all the more damning.

de Volkskrant
Joris Luyendijk
Joris Luyendijk (b. 1971) studied political science, history, Arabic and anthropology. He was editor-in-chief of Move Your World Magazine about young people and development cooperation. Between 1998 and 2003 he lived in Cairo, then Beirut and finally East Jerusalem, working for the newspapers de Volkskrant and NRC Handelsblad as well as for Dutch radio and television.
Part ofNon-Fiction
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