My Holocaust, Too

In My Holocaust, Too, Maurits de Bruijn examines how his mother’s ordeals influenced his own life.

Maurits de Bruijn
Original title
Ook mijn Holocaust

It wasn’t until he was an adult that he discovered, during a trip to Israel, that his mother was Jewish, and that, naturally, this made him Jewish too. When they were deported, her parents had entrusted his mother to Christian neighbours, who ended up raising her. With candour and irony, De Bruijn describes how this history had a knock-on effect.

'My Holocaust, Too' is a tender account of a journey, a family and a life. A book to treasure.


This personal account draws you in and makes you think.

Nederlands Dagblad
Maurits de Bruijn
Maurits de Bruijn (b. 1984) is a writer and artist. His articles and short stories have been published in de Volkskrant, Mister Motley and Das Magazin.
Part ofNon-Fiction
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