Humans are beasts, the kings said. Sinners, the priests said. Egoists, the accountants said. For centuries, western culture has been permeated by a belief in the depravity of humankind. But what if all this time we’ve been wrong?

Rutger Bregman
Original title
De meeste mensen deugen
In this book, Rutger Bregman incorporates the latest insights from psychology, economics, biology and archaeology. He takes us on a journey through history and gives new answers to old questions. How do we explain our biggest crimes? Are we deeply inclined to evil or good within?
Humankind not only rewrites history, but also sheds new light on our future.
NS Publieksprijs 2020
Rutger Bregman
Rutger Bregman is one of Europe’s most prominent young thinkers. He has published four books on history, philosophy and economics, and has twice been nominated for the prestigious European Press Prize.