Frog and the Falling Star

Whether it’s about being in love, the fear of the unknown, death, or feeling left out, the world of Frog and his friends Pig, Hare and Duck is recognizable for readers everywhere.

Max Velthuijs
Original title
Kikker en de vallende ster

So the positive outcomes offered by Max Velthuijs are very welcome. No matter how complicated Frog’s dilemmas are, there is always a solution in the end, just as long as everyone is willing to help each other out a little, as this book beautifully illustrates.

One summer night, when Frog and his friends are watching a clear sky and hoping to spot a falling star, he looks the wrong way at the all-important moment, and so he is the only one who cannot make a wish. However, this does not stop him from thinking about how he can make his friends’ wishes come true. And, in turn, they come up with a plan to help their sad friend to reach the stars after all.

Max Velthuijs
Max Velthuijs (1923–2005) was the creator of the picture books about Frog, the friendly amphibian in the baggy red-and-white swimming trunks who is known all around the world.
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