Animals Afloat
Noah and his ark, God and his fury — the Bible story has been adapted thousands of times, but rarely as ingeniously as Gideon Samson has done in this book to accompany Annemarie van Haeringen’s pictures.

Samson — nominated for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award — is a writer who ‘is actually incapable of writing uninteresting books’ (NRC). This title is his first picture book. His Noah has no name, and it is God himself who tells the story. A friendship develops, in the middle of the downpours, sealed by the ark as the ultimate coproduction. With his nimble dialogue, Samson leads the reader through Van Haeringen’s tightly composed illustrations, painted in earthy tones. With plenty of space in the pictures and between the sentences, the creators leave the interpretation to the reader, whether religious or atheist.
“Samson’s perfectly pitched text is packed with lots of fine little conundrums that only reveal themselves with repeated reading”
“Phenomenal illustrations”