Margriet de Moor

Margriet de Moor (b. 1941) is one of Holland’s most prominent writers. She started her writing career in 1988 with a collection of stories, 'Op de rug gezien' (Seen From Behind). A year later, 'Dubbelportret' (Double Portrait) appeared, three novellas in one volume.

Photo: John Foley

De Moor’s highly praised first novel, Eerst grijs dan wit dan blauw (First Grey, Then White, Then Blue, 1990) won her the AKO Literature Prize. Three years later, De virtuoos (The Virtuoso, 1993) was also nominated for this prestigious award. She has since published novels such as Hertog van Egypte (Duke of Egypt, 1996), Kreuzersonate (The Kreutzersonata, 2001), De verdronkene (Drowned, 2005), De kegelwerper (The Juggler, 2006). De schilder en het meisje (The Painter and the Girl, 2010) and Mélodie d’amour (2013). Her work has been translated into more than twenty languages.

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