Erik de Graaf
Erik de Graaf (b. 1961) studied graphic design and advertising at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rotterdam and is now creative director at Millford design studio. His love of the ‘more serious side of comics’ blossomed during his student years, influenced by artists such as Joost Swarte and Yves Chaland. He made his debut with 'Verbleekte herinneringen' (Fading Memories, 2003), in 2020 he published 'Scherven/Littekens' (Shards/Skars), a two-part story set in World War II, which has been translated into French. He also collaborated on the second part of the *Drawn and Quarterly Showcase, an anthology from one of the world’s leading comics publishers.

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Two lovers are separated at the beginning of World War II. When the conflict is over and they share their stories with each other, only one conclusion is possible: the life they had together has been decimated. Only fragments remain.

Mondrian: A Better World
The world-renowned painter Piet Mondrian (1872–1944) believed it was an artist’s duty to strive for harmony and equilibrium in art, in order that it could serve as a blueprint for human society. His way to achieve this was to strip his work of all noise and distraction and use only universal shapes and primary colours.