Carolijn Visser
Carolijn Visser is one of the most successful travel writers from the Netherlands. She has travelled widely in Asia, to which she has devoted several of her books, among which 'Grijs China' (Grey China, 1982), 'Buigend bamboe' (Bowing Bamboo, 1990) and 'Hoge bomen in Hanoi' (Voices and Visions: A Journey Through Vietnam Today, 1993).

She has described her meetings with Costa Rican gold diggers in Aan het einde van de regenboog (At the End of the Rainbow, 1986), and her stay with the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua in De kapers van Miskitia (The Raiders of Miskitia, 1997). A few of her more recent titles are Uit het moeras (Out of the Morass, 2000), about Estonia after it became independent, Tibetaanse perziken (Tibetan Peaches, 2003) and Miss Concordia. Vrouwen in den vreemde (Miss Concordia. Women abroad, 2006).