Anton Quintana
Anton Quintana is the pen name of Anton Kuyten (1937 - 2017). He grew up in an orphanage, together with his twin brother. From the age of seventeen he roamed around the world. This experience, together with the compelling bonds of twinship was to determine his life and work.

Quintana has written stories for radio and television, science fiction and thrillers, but the core of his oeuvre consists of novels for young adults. These are always about a solitary youngster coming into conflict with his surroundings and in particular with himself. Opposite him stands the figure of the wise, older counsellor. De bavianenkoning (The Baboon King, 1982) is set in Africa, where a half Kikuyu-half Masai boy is rejected by both tribes and manages to survive in the wilderness thanks to a group of baboons. De vuurman (The Fireman, 1987) is set in the south of the Netherlands in the eighteenth century, when a Robin Hood-style gang fights for justice.
Quintana was awarded a Golden Slate Pencil for De bavianenkoning, and for Het boek van Bod Pa he received both the Gouden Uil and the Libris Woutertje Pieterse Prize 1996.